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What people are saying about
Growing Good Influence.

- Readable- Practical- Helpful- Life changing- A Must Read

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Growing Good Influence is so much more than a self-help discourse or a self-leadership manual, it’s a rich, practical guide to living. 

 ~ Dan

With so much division in the world, and me watching so many people make harmful decisions, this book is a must-read. It reminds us to approach those we want to influence with love, humility, and selfless intentions.

 ~ Nicole

Tom’s book challenged me to think differently about influence. He has provided a fresh, grounded, hopeful alternative to so much of the short-sighted, opportunistic ‘influence” we see today.  Read this book and prepare to be changed!

~ Avryll

The author points out something so obvious, but for some reason so often overlooked; that whether we consider ourselves "influencers" or not, we are constantly influencing those around us. Growing your influence is very practical, easy to read, and applies to every area of our lives. Definitely worth buying.

~ Dean

We all have barriers to overcome so that we can truly help others flourish. Discover how you can grow personally in order influence others for their good.

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